HCR Gythio Garden Rooms (Ground Floor)

Why choose this resort?
* 🌄 Best Resort in Karjat
* 🏡 Luxurious Accommodations
* 🍽 Inhouse restaurant
* 🤩 Best view
* 😍 Recreational Facilities
* 🏊🏻‍♀ Infinity swimming pool
* 🎲 Indoor and outdoor games

Experience Karjat like never before with a fantastic view & vibe right from your window.🤯
Nestled amidst nature, this innovative accommodation offers comfort and style in a compact space.🍃
Why choose this resort?
* 🌄 Best Resort in Karjat
* 🏡 Luxurious Accommodations
* 🍽 Inhouse restaurant
* 🤩 Best view
* 😍 Recreational Facilities
* 🏊🏻‍♀ Infinity swimming pool
* 🎲 Indoor and outdoor games
Pricing details –
Ground Floor (Gythio Garden Suite):
Weekdays: ₹6,000
Weekends: ₹7,000
Accommodates a family of 4 (2 adults and 2 kids) or 3 adults without food.


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